Health & Safety

It is The Mystery Partnership general policy that as far as is reasonably practicable, an environment is created and maintained within the Company which is both safe and healthy for the benefit of all partnerss. The prevention of all accidents particularly those involving personal injury or damage to equipment and property is recognised as being essential to efficient operation as well as to avoid hardship and suffering.

The Company recognises that it is not sufficient merely to have a safety policy statement, but what is more important is that the policy adequately identifies the organisation for implementing the general policy statement, and that everyone concerned is made fully aware of their responsibilities.

This policy is in the form of a manual and is based on the principle of identifying and listing the individual’s responsibility for safety within the Company from the Managing Partner to the newest recruit and visitor.

The observance of the Company’s Safety Policy and Regulations are a condition of employment for all partnerss and it is made clear that failure to adhere to these Regulations may result in disciplinary action, leading to dismissal, for serious cases jeopardising the health and safety of other partnerss.

  • The Company will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of its partnerss at work and others within the working environment. The safety of the individual must come before the needs of the business and all members of line management are expected to ensure that safe methods and conditions of working are maintained within their own areas of responsibility.
  • The Company will ensure that management staff at all levels implement the policy by the provision and maintenance of:
  • A safe and healthy working environment and systems of work
  • Plant and structures designed and maintained to operate and function safely
  • Instructions and procedures as necessary for the safe use of plant, the performance of operations and the safe storage and handling of materials and chemicals
  • Supervision of operations as necessary by competent personnel
  • Training as necessary for partnerss within job requirements and granting of training facilities for those appointed as Health and Safety Co-ordinators
  • Protective clothing and equipment where necessary
  • Medical advice as necessary
  • Arrangements for the periodic survey of and report on work places and methods of working and the implementation of any corrective action necessary
  • In addition to the above arrangements The Mystery Partnership will:
  • Maintain a constant and continuing vigilance in Health and Safety matters and encourage all partnerss to set an example in safe behaviour
  • Provide a consultation mechanism between partnerss and their senior management concerning matters of Health, Safety and Welfare
  • Seek specialist advice when necessary

Partners Responsibilities

  • All partnerss are reminded that under Section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, it is their duty to act in the course of their employment with due care for the health, safety and welfare of themselves, other partnerss and other persons who might be affected by their activities and for the avoidance of damage and that they should:
  • Become familiar with the Health and Safety Policy and take active interest in health and safety at work
  • Comply with the instructions and procedures issued from time to time, for safe working
  • Make proper use of protective clothing and safety equipment provided
  • Report to their supervisors or Health and Safety Co-ordinators any incidents which have led or might lead to injury or damage and by co-operating with any investigation which may be undertaken with the object of preventing accidents or recurrence of incidents
  • The successful implementation of the policy is dependent on the co-operation of all partnerss, supplier’s and sub-contractor’s.